Dr Peter Waddy MBBS FRACP FCSANZ is an interventional cardiologist with special interests in complex coronary, adult congenital and structural heart disease intervention.
Dr Waddy graduated from Adelaide University in 1988. He commenced physician training at Flinders Medical Centre in 1989 and advanced cardiology training in 1991. He was awarded the Lion’s Overseas Heart fellowship for 1995 and completed advanced training whilst at Oxford University.
He was admitted as a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in 1995.
He subsequently worked as the Interventional Fellow at Flinders Medical Centre in 1996 and subsequently at Royal Perth Hospital in 1997.
On his return to Flinders in 1998, while still a senior cardiology registrar, he was responsible for initiating programs for the percutaneous treatment of adult congenital heart disease in South Australia performing trans catheter closures of atrial septal defects, patent foramena ovale and patent ductus arteriosa and using stents to treat aortic coarctation. He also initiated ithe first program of mitral balloon valvuloplasty for mitral stenosis for adult patients in South Australia and the Northern Territory.
In the field of coronary intervention he was responsible for introducing to South Australia complex stenting techniques for bifurcation lesions, expanding the range of patients suitable for percutaneous revascularization.
Dr Waddy worked as a staff specialist at FMC for two years before moving to the Royal Adelaide Hospital as a consultant. He also holds a public appointment at the Repatriation General Hospital.
Dr Waddy conducts regular clinics at our Ashford, Findon, Calvary Adelaide and Victor Harbor locations.