Attending clinics

Clinic locations

For the sake of patient convenience we have a wide choice of clinic locations. Easy to follow directions for all of our clinics together with the services provided by our cardiologists can be found on our locations page.

Attending Clinics

Patients can help us deliver quality cardiac care by following a few simple guidelines:

  1. Make sure SA Heart is given or is holding a valid referral on your behalf.  This will ensure you can claim Medicare rebates and also helps to inform the consulting cardiologist of the background to your condition.
  2. If you are attending for the first time please arrive 10 minutes early to fill out a new patient information sheet.  Alternatively you can download & complete a copy via the links below, making sure to bring it with you on the day.
  3. For billing and Medicare rebate purposes it is vital you bring your Medicare and any concession/DVA cards to your appointment.
  4. It is very important that your cardiologist knows what medications you currently use.  The safest way to be sure we have the correct information is to bring all current medications to your appointment.
  5. Please let us know if you have any known allergies.
  6. If you are attending for a Transosophageal echocardiogram (TOE) - as you will be sedated for the procedure, it is essential that you have a responsible adult accompany you home on the day.
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